Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Illuminating Data Response

I really liked the Illuminating Data Exhibition.  Generally in the main studio in the AIMM building, there are fine arts related exhibitions.  I enjoy those (I was an art major before I switched to Interactive Multimedia), but it was nice to see an IMM based show in the main gallery.

It was also really neat for me to see art and IMM colliding.  Even though they are both very creative majors, I feel that the two don't intersect nearly as often as they should.  I know with my IMM work at least, I try to incorporate my fine arts background to the best of my ability (whereas a lot of my IMM friends don't seem to be that interested in fine arts).  

My favorite piece in the exhibition (though I can't remember the name of it) was the piece about the massive multiplayer online first person shooter (or MMO FPS).  A live recording of individuals playing the FPS was streamed onto a TV.  Each time a player died in the game, fake blood squirted one of the walls of the gallery (which eventually created a pool of blood on the floor).  

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